Policies and Procedures

Shelf Markers:  Students must use shelf markers (located in a box on the front desk) when looking for books.  (See adult library staff if you don't know how to use a shelf marker.)

 I.D.s:  Students should use their student i.d.s to check out books.  This will make the checkout procedure faster and more accurate.  If you do not have an i.d., you may check out with adult library staff.

How Long?  Books may be checked out for two weeks and may be renewed as needed.

How Many?  Students may check out 3 books at a time. 

Overdues.  It is vital that you return or renew your books on time.  If you have an overdue, you may not check out any additional books.    No fines if overdues are returned.

Lost or damaged books.
  If a student loses or damages a book, he or she should arrange with the librarian to pay for it or replace it or work off the fine by working in the library.

  All fines for lost or damaged materials must be paid directly to adult library staff.  Fines paid at the front office or anywhere else may not get properly recorded and receipted.  If there is no library-generated receipt, the fine is considered still outstanding.

Teachers, bring your whole class to the library any time by contacting the librarian in person or via email to sign in on the schedule. 

  Each teacher may send up to 5 students on individual passes to work in the library or check out books at any time the library is open.  Passes need date, time, name(s) of students, destination, and signature of teacher. 

OPAC.  (On-line Public Access Catalog)

Citing Sources.  Students must cite all sources for materials to be printed.  Doolen Library supports copyright laws.

Printing.  Students must ask adult library staff permission to print in the library.

Gum.  The library is a no gum zone.  The librarian will remind you of this, and you will be asked to throw it away.

Disruptive patrons will be sent back to class.