Sixth Grade

(Adopted Sep 2000)


Standard 1: Fundamental Operations and Concepts

Students understand the operations and function of technology systems and are proficient in the use of technology.

Students know and are able to do the following:

NOTE: All levels are built upon previous levels.

      • Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology. (T1-E1) See:

        Language Arts (VP-E)

PO 1.   use basic vocabulary related to technology (e.g., FireWire, USB, parallel, serial, scanning, digitizing,

            PO 2.   use basic vocabulary related to systems (e.g., network, infrastructure, Internet, Intranet, LAN, WAN,

                        Ethernet, firewall, server, TCP-IP)

      • Demonstrate increasingly sophisticated operation of technology components. (T1-E2) See: Arts {Music}

        (AM1-E9-10), Mathematics (M1-E6, M2-E1), Science (SC1-E2) and Workplace Skills (WP7-E1)

            PO 1.   use touch-typing strategies to reach a minimum of 25 words per minute with accuracy (e.g., meets school-

                        identified standard for accuracy)

            PO 2.   retrieve and save information remotely (e.g., network servers, Internet, Intranet, peripheral devices)

            PO 3.   demonstrate functional operation of technology devices (e.g., presentation devices, digital cameras,

                        scanners, document cameras, scientific probes) (See Technology T3-E2, PO1)

      • When a system is not working properly, demonstrate an understanding of hardware, software and connectivity

      problem solving processes. (T1-E3) See: Science (SC1-E1)

PO 1.   use troubleshooting strategies to solve applications problems (e.g., file management strategies, online help strategies, documentation, collaboration with others)

            PO 2.   use troubleshooting strategies to solve basic hardware problems (e.g., use online help, use documentation,

                        collaboration with others)

            PO 3.   use troubleshooting strategies to identify basic connectivity problems (e.g., use online help, use

                        documentation, collaboration with others)


Standard 2: Social, Ethical and Human Issues

Students understand the social, ethical and human issues related to using technology in their daily lives and demonstrate responsible use of technology systems, information and software.

Students know and are able to do the following:

NOTE: All levels are built upon previous levels.

      • Discuss basic issues related to responsible use of technology and information and describe personal consequences of

      inappropriate use. (T2-E1) See: Comprehensive Health (CH4-E3), Science (SC2-E2) and Social Studies (SS2-E2, E5,

        PO 1, SS2-E7, PO1)

            PO 1.   explain the purpose of an Acceptable Use Agreement/Policy and the consequences of inappropriate use

            PO 2.   describe and practice safe Internet/Intranet usage (e.g., do not post inappropriate or harmful material; do

                        not reveal personal information; follow district Acceptable Use Policy)

                        PO 3.   describe and practice “netiquette” when using the Internet and electronic mail (e.g., publish photographs

                          of people only with their permission)

• Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors when using technology and information and discuss consequences of misuse.


      PO 1.   follow the rules for deciding when permission is needed for using the work of others (e.g., some sites

specify whether permission is required or not, some work is in public domain)

PO 2.   obtain permission to use the work of others (See Technology T5-E2, PO3)

PO 3.   provide complete citations from electronic media (e.g., use age-level appropriate, district developed

standardized reference formats for citing source of information) (See Technology T5-E2, PO5)

PO 4.   explain copyright laws and “fair use” guidelines (e.g., in relationship to print, video, computer software,

multimedia project, music)

              PO 5.   describe copyright guidelines3 for multimedia creation and Internet development



3http://literacy.kent.edu/Oasis/Workshops/copytoc.html and  http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright/circs/circ1.html



Sixth Grade


Standard 1: Social, Ethical and Human Issues (contd.)

PO 6.   state personal consequences (e.g., fines, loss of privileges, grade reduction, academic probation) related to

violations of:

            a)   copyright (e.g., sheet music, prerecorded music, print, video, images)

b)      password security

c)      privacy (e.g., student files on a network, floppy disk and hard drive)

d)      Internet usage (e.g., inappropriate postings, accessing inappropriate material)

      PO 7.   discuss the negative impact of unauthorized intrusions into networked data and describe actions to prevent

these intrusions

  *  • Demonstrate knowledge of current changes in technologies and the effect those changes have on the workplace and

      society. (T2-E3) See: Comprehensive Health (CH4-E2) and Social Studies (SS3-E6, PO 8, SS3-E7, PO5)

            PO 1.   compare information technologies from past to present and describe the implications of computer power

                        doubling every 18 months (Moore’s Law) (e.g., size, speed, cost)

            PO 2.   describe the impact of technology use on individuals at home and in the workplace (e.g., computer has

                        replaced the TV for some individuals; free time is spent using technology versus outdoor activities; jobs

                        have been created and/or eliminated due to technological advances; possible infringement of privacy)

            PO 3.   discuss the social implications of the “digital divide” (e.g., homes and schools with much technology and

                                connectivity versus those with less or none)


Standard 2: Technology Productivity Tools Students use technology tools to enhance learning, to increase productivity and creativity, and to construct technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works.

Students know and are able to do the following:

NOTE: All levels are built upon previous levels.

  *  • Use formatting capabilities of technology tools for communicating and illustrating. (T3-E1) See: Language Arts

(W-E1, PO5)

            PO 1.   use word processing editing tools to revise a document (e.g., cut and paste, tabs and margins, font size,

font style, delete and undo, selecting, spell check, click and drag)

PO 2.   design a word processing document with graphical elements (e.g., clip art, digital photographs, symbols, using text wrap, cropping, sizing, drawing tools)

• Use a variety of technology tools for data collection and analysis. (T3-E2) See: Mathematics (M5-E6) and Social Studies (SS1-E8, PO1)

      PO 1.   use technology device(s) to collect and record data (e.g., science probe, graphing calculator, PDA
{personal digital assistant}, alternative keyboards, webcams, GPS, and Internet)

      PO 2.   create and use a spreadsheet to analyze data (e.g., use formulas, create charts and graphs)

PO 3.   create a database with multiple fields to manipulate data in a variety of ways (e.g., sort, merge, list and report)

  *  • Publish and present information using technology tools. (T3-E3) See: Science (SC1-E3, PO1)

      PO 1.   design and create a multimedia presentation or Web page using multiple digital sources (e.g., from

                  camera, video, scanner, CD-ROM, Internet)

PO 2.   publish or present the above production (see Technology T4-E2, PO1 or T4-E3)

• Use technology tools to support system analysis and modeling. (T3-E4) See: Mathematics (M2-E5, M6-E1), Science

SC1-E2, E5) and Workplace Skills (WP6-E1)

      PO 1.   manipulate several variables in a computer simulation to reach a desired outcome (e.g., simulation

            software, Web-based simulation, textbook support software)








Sixth Grade


Standard 4: Technology Communication Tools Building on productivity tools, students will collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts and other audiences using telecommunications and media.

Students know and are able to do the following:

NOTE: All levels are built upon previous levels.

• Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of facilitated and independent learning. (T4-E1) See: Language Arts (W-E3, E6)

            PO 1.   communicate independently via e-mail, Internet, and/or videoconference with people in a remote location
(For Internet safety issues, see Technology T2-E1)

  *  • Use technology tools for individual and collaborative writing, communication and publishing activities to create

      curricular related products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (T4-E2) See: Language Arts (W-E2, E7, LS-E)

            PO 1.   plan, design and present an academic product using technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring,

                        presentation software, digital cameras, scanners, projection devices)

      • Collaboratively use telecommunications and online resources. (T4-E3) See: Arts {Theatre} (AT2-E1) and Social

        Studies (SS1-E8, PO2) (For Internet safety issues, see Technology T2-E1)

            PO 1.   request collaborative exchanges among people in local and/or remote locations (e.g., e-mail, online

                        discussions, Web environments)

PO 2.   communicate electronically to collaborate with experts, peers and others to analyze data and/or develop

an academic product (e.g., e-mail, discussion group, videoconferencing)

PO 3.   present an academic product to share data and/or solutions (e.g., Web site, multimedia presentation,



Standard 5: Technology Research Tools

NOTE: The performance objectives described in Standard 5 rely upon the mastery of skills and understanding of concepts from Standards 1-4 of this document.

Students will utilize technology-based research tools to locate and collect information pertinent to the task as well as evaluate and analyze information from a variety of sources.

Students know and are able to do the following:

NOTE: All levels are built upon previous levels.

• Locate information from electronic resources. (T5-E1) See: Arts {Theatre} (AT2-E4), Language Arts (W-E8) and Mathematics (M2-E1, PO1)

PO 1.   identify electronic research resources

PO 2.   define subject searching and devise a search strategy to locate information using available electronic

research resources (e.g., electronic card catalog, online or CD-ROM reference sources, grade level

appropriate Internet resources)

PO 3.   explain the difference between subject and keyword searching

PO 4.   construct keyword searches including basic Boolean logic using available electronic research resources

(i.e., electronic card catalog, online or CD-ROM reference sources and grade level appropriate Internet


PO 5.   identify the author, copyright date and publisher of information located in electronic resources, including

                                Internet resources

• Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness and bias of electronic information sources. (T5-E2) See: Social Studies (SS1-E1, PO2 and SS1-E8, PO5-8)

PO 1.   create citations for electronic research sources following a prescribed format (See Technology T2-E2,


PO 2.   gather research from a variety of electronic sources and identify the most appropriate information for

answering the research question (See Technology T5-E2, PO2)

PO 3.   obtain permission, when appropriate, to use the work of others (See Technology T2-E2, PO3)

PO 4.   identify the components of a URL to determine the source of information

PO5.    identify the author of the information found from electronic resources and determine whether the author is

an authority, displays bias and is a primary or secondary source





Sixth Grade


Standard 6: Technology as a Tool for Problem Solving and Decision-Making

Students use technology to make and support decisions in the process of solving real-world problems.

NOTE: Problem solving is inherent in all disciplines. Technology Standard 6 is designed to provide a cumulative (capstone) experience.

See: Science SC3 in its entirety and Workplace Skills WP3 in its entirety.

Students know and are able to do the following:

NOTE: All levels are built upon previous levels.

• Determine when technology is useful and select and use the appropriate tools and technology resources to solve problems. (T6-E1)

PO 1.   based on a problem selected by the student, identify and use appropriate technology tools to:

a)   collect data (e.g., counting versus using a probe, book index versus online index)

b)   interpret data (e.g., use of a spreadsheet instead of a graphic organizer)

c)   develop a solution to the problem (e.g., creating a model versus using a spreadsheet)

d)   present findings (e.g., create a poster versus an electronic presentation)


* Appropriate for inclusion in portfolio.